Friday, April 11th at 16:30 @ Poligon

Crowdfunding is rapidly becoming a key driver of new economic models – a global trend, which is also being reflected in the region. Hence, the first ever Crowdfunding Regional Forum is bringing together experts from Austria, Croatia, Hungary, Italy and Slovenia, who will present us with the latest development in crowdfunding theory and practice as well as discuss its future potential in the region.

Forum programme

16:30 – 16:35

Welcome Speech

Felicita Medved | President, European Liberal Forum (ELF)

16:35 – 16:40

Welcome Speech

Sebastjan Pikl | Director, Institute Novum

16:40 – 16:50

Welcome Speech

Aidan Cerar | Regional development agency of Ljubljana urban region

16:50 – 17:10

Key note speech 1

“State of the art report on crowdfunding in Slovenia”

Luka Piškorič | Co-founder and manager, Poligon creative centre


17:10 – 17:40

Key note speech 2

“Accelerating start-up culture in the USA – Pros and Cons of the Crowdfunding Act”

Jason Best | Co-founder and principal of Crowdfund Capital Advisors, USA


17:40 – 18:10

Key note speech 3

“Italian crowdfunding legislation in practice”

Daniela Castrataro |, Italy


18:10- 18:30

Short break 

18:30 – 20:00

Panel discussion

“Mapping and raising regional crowdfunding to the next level”

Bence Regőci |, editor and blogger, Hungary

Hrvoje Hafner |, founder and project director of Doniralica, Croatia

Andraž Jerič |, editor and communications strategist, Slovenia

Marco di Norcia | Product Service System Designer, Italy

Dr. Reinhard Wilford | Co-founder of the European Crowdfunding Network and 1000×1000 crowdinvestinsting platform, Austria

Moderated by: Eva Perčič |co-founder and researcher of new economic models at, Poligon creative centre

20:00 – 24:00

Standing dinner and open DJ programme with DJ Boris Backer

Event moderated by: Jan Vranjek |

Free tickets are available at Eventbrite

Event organisers and partners: 

ralf   novumf   elf
