Thursday, May 28th at 16:30 @ Poligon

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A roundtable discussion organised by the European Liberal Forum asbl (ELF) in cooperation with Novum Institute. Co-funded by the European Parliament. The European Parliament is not responsible for the content of the programme. The views express are those of the speakers alone. They do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Liberal Forum asbl.

What are the possible futures for work and workers in Europe? What are the ways to empower more then 9 million freelancers in Europe? How to innovate strategies of active labor market policies to go beyond political discourse and actually support workers needs?

High unemployment in Europe can be described as a consequence of a several factors: economic globalization, financial crisis and technological development. The topic of precarious work is often found on the covers of newspapers but mostly focusing on the problematic situations of freelancers and precarious workers leaving not much room to angle possible solutions and strategies. The aim of ‘The Future of WORKers in Europe” lectures and round table is to foresee some possible future scenarios, how to create/innovate jobs in Europe on the one hand and how to empower the freelancers on micro and macro level. The guest speakers at the conference will be researchers and other experts working on the field of work and employment from several European countries.

The ticket for the conference are free. Please reserve your seat at Eventbrite.

Conference Programme



17:00 – 17:05

Welcome Speech

Felicita Medved | President, European Liberal Forum (ELF)

17:05 – 17:10

Welcome Speech

Sebastjan Pikl | Director, Institute Novum

17:10 – 17:40

Key note speech 1

“An economic history of ‘THE JOB”

Karl – Heinz Paqué | Chair of International Economics at the Otto-von-Guericke-University of Magdeburg, former minister of finance of the state of Saxony-Anhalt

17:40 – 18:00

Key note speech 2

“Jobs and social protection in Slovenia”

Martina Trbanc | researcher, Social Protection Institute of Republic of Slovenia

18:00 – 18:10

Key note speech 3

“The value of open coworking platforms”

Eva Perčič | co-founder, Poligon, Slovenia Coworking

18:10- 18:30

Short break 

18:30 – 20:00

Panel discussion

“What About the Future of WORKers in Europe?”

Matija Raos | President, Croatian Independent Professionals Association, Croatia

Bianca Elzenbaumer | founder, Brave new Alps, UK (Designing Economic Cultures)

Igor Caldeira | Secretary General, European Liberal Youth

Moderated by: Nataša Briški | founder of progressive news portal “Meta’s list”

20:00 – 22:00

Snack with elderberry syrup and “DJ Freelancer”

The official language of the conference is English.

Get free tickets at Eventbrite

The conference is co-organized by:


ralf   novumf   elf