Recycling, second hand and innovative use of everyday materials, combined with empathy are the key ingredients of Paulo’s architectural approach. Argentinian, who gained rich experience also in the architectural offices in London, now works in the Faculty of Architecture in Ljubljana and creates in Poligon, where he is a room-mate with Mirče, who is also an architect.
My object: No objects… I prefer materials. I like to think of materials as the first approach to objects. My favourite ones are accessible materials. They can be combined creatively to bring beauty to things, objects, and architecture. They are eventually brought together to bring life to people’s ideas.
My instrument of work is: Dialogue. Communication is the tool that helps me understand people’s ideas, their needs and make them come true. My work is a process with a lot of interaction and feedback. Without it there is no real architecture.
My profession: I am an architect, a creator… But first of all, I am a person who likes building ideas. I am the one that generates and searches for solutions for certain thoughts and needs. I am like a moderator that converts people’s thoughts, ideas and wishes into space.
My professional skills: When it comes to concept, empathy is extremely important to me. I make quick hand sketches to communicate ideas and concepts. I also use the computer a lot. As for practical stages of a project, I prefer to use second hand, accessible materials or recycling elements.
My life skills: Executing ideas… Crafting… Putting my hands at work.
My most interesting work experiences: One of the offices I worked for at the beginning of my career. It was a 3-year experience. Working there gave me a clue of what I do not want to do. It also helped me realize the direction I want to take and whatever I find interesting in my line of work.
—— slovensko —–
Recikliranje, elementi iz druge roke in nenavadna raba običajnih materialov ter ščepec empatije so ključne sestavine Paulotovega pristopa k arhitekturi. Argentinec, ki je med drugim bogate izkušnje pridobival tudi v arhitekturnih birojih v Londonu, danes dela na ljubljanski Fakulteti za arhitekturo in ustvarja v Poligonu. Pri nas je “cimer” z Mirčetom, ki je tudi arhitekt.
Moj predmet: Nimam ga. Bližje so mi materiali, prek katerih pristopam tudi k predmetom. Naraje delam z dostopnimi materiali. Takšnimi, ki niso dragi in ki šele prek ustvarjalne uporabe vdahnejo lepoto stvarem, objektom, arhitekturi. Takšni materiali lahko pristno izrazijo domiselnost idej.
Moj instrument za delo: Dialog. Komunikacija je orodje, ki mi omogoča razumevanje posameznikovih idej, njihovih pričakovanj in potreb. Moj delavni proces sestoji iz kontinuirane interakcije in povratnih informacij s strani naročnikov. Brez te povratne zanke ni resnične arhitekture.
Moj poklic: Sem arhitekt, ustvarjalec, … in predvsem oseba, ki jo veseli uresničevanje idej. Iščem in snujem rešitve za posameznikove prebliske in potrebe. Sem moderator, ki prevaja misli, ideje in želje ljudi v prostor.
Moje poklicne spretnosti: Empatija je ključna veščina, ki usmerja postavljanje koncepta. Najprej na roko izrišem skice, ki mi omogočajo lažje predstavljanje idej in konceptov. Nato delam na računalniku. Pri izvedbi projekta pa veliko uporabljam elemente iz druge roke, dostopne materiale, ki so pogosto reciklirani.
Moje življenjske spretnosti: Izvedba idej, obrtništvo, delo z rokami.
Moja najbolj zanimiva delovna izkušnja: V začetku poklicne poti sem tri leta delal v arhitekturnem biroju, ki mi je omogočil spoznati širino polja in mi dal usmeritve kaj želim delati, na kaj se v arhitekturi želim osredotočiti.